4 Types of Buying Behaviour with Examples

Types of Buying Behaviour

Understanding the buying behaviour of customers can help you better understand their needs and make them aware of the benefits that your product or service has to offer. A lot of people go into buying decisions on emotion rather than on facts. They may buy the first thing that they see, even if it is not really what they need. A way to handle this is to use both information and emotion.

What are the 4 types of consumer behaviour?

The four types of buying behaviour are: i) Complex buying behaviour, ii) Dissonance Reducing Buying Behaviour, iii) Habitual Buying Behaviour, and iv) Variety Seeking Buying Behaviour.

Types of Buying Behaviour Chart
Types of Buying Behaviour Chart

Complex buying behaviour

Complex buying behaviour is a type of consumer behaviour where the consumer makes a large number of choices and evaluations before purchasing an item. It can be considered as a process that includes several cognitive, affective, and behavioural stages that the buyer goes through before making a purchase decision. The stages include Awareness, search and evaluation, decision making, and purchase. In this technique, you involve the consumer in every stage of the buying process from discovery to finalization. The goal is to help consumers make their purchasing decisions more aware through exploring various options that could work for them even though they don’t do it consciously.

Some examples of complex buying behaviours are: 

  1. Buying a houseYou have to decide whether you want to buy a house or not, and if so, which type of house you want to buy. There are many options available such as finding the right location for your home, finding the right amount of land that will suit your needs, deciding on what type of flooring material you want in your home, figuring out how much it will cost for renovations (which might vary depending on the type of renovation), and more. 
  2. Buying an expensive car – Choosing between cars like Audi S4 or BMW M5 is not easy at all because they are both very expensive cars with high-performance capabilities. The deciding factor would be if one has more features than the other or better performance capabilities.

Dissonance Reducing Buying Behaviour

In this situation, the involvement of buyers will be very high but the perceived differences between the brands will be very low. Dissonance is the discrepancy between what you want and what you actually do. It is a type of consumer behaviour in which the consumer feels more satisfied with the purchase they have made after comparing it to what they originally intended to buy.

After the purchase, the consumer may feel post-purchase dissonance. Post-purchase dissonance is the feeling of dissatisfaction with a product or service after the purchase. It is often caused by the customer not understanding what they are getting for their money, or if it’s worth it in general. The company that offers the product or service may also be at fault because they may have not provided enough information to help consumers make an informed decision. Finally, there are some factors that contribute to post-purchase dissonances like bad customer service, unclear terms and conditions, false advertising claims, and no recourse when these things happen.

An example of this buying behaviour is when people buy products that they can use as gifts for other people. This way, the buyer doesn’t have to deal with the guilt associated with not giving someone a gift or even feeling obligated to buy them something.

Habitual Buying Behaviour

Habitual buying behaviour is a pattern of buying that repeats itself over time. It is the pattern of spending that people find themselves drawn to and which they can’t seem to break from. It has been shown that there are three main types of habitual buyers:

  1. The “New Purchase” Type – This type of buyer is constantly looking for new things and willing to try anything once. They tend to be impulsive, not rational or reflective in their decision-making process, and have little patience for researching different options. 
  2. The “Relative Value” Type – This type of buyer is always searching for the best deal possible on items they already know they like. They’re interested in saving money, but not as much as the New Purchase Type would be. They’re more cautious than the New Purchase Type because they don’t want to waste money on something that isn’t worth it or doesn’t work out in the long run. 
  3. The “Compensatory Action” Type – This type of buyer often buys what’s missing from their life so they feel better about themselves and their situation. They buy things like food when they’re hungry, entertainment when they’re bored, drugs when they need them, etc., because these purchases help them cope with emotions or change moods rather than actually feeling better about themselves after making a purchase like those made by the Relative Value Type might do.

Some examples of habitual buying behaviour include:

  1. When it comes to food, we tend to buy the same items and eat them on a regular basis.
  2. When it comes to clothes, we often go for the same brand and color. 
  3. When it comes to gifts, we may buy something that is similar or identical year after year.

Variety Seeking Buying Behaviour

Variety-seeking buying behaviour is a type of consumer behaviour in which consumers tend to buy more items when they see a wider variety of products. It is characterized by low involvement and low brand loyalty from from the consumer. The idea behind this behavioural approach is that consumers want to buy different products or services on different occasions with each purchase being relatively small. This approach does not focus on price alone but also considers other factors such as product attributes, convenience, location, etc. This makes it easy for consumers to choose which product they want without feeling pressured into purchasing more than one item at a time.

Many food manufacturers thrive off of this type of consumer behaviour to help them make more profitable commercial decisions because the manufacture only needs to choose between a large or small variety and each product can be priced at different levels. This leads to increased sales and profits for the business because it means that the customers are willing to pay more for different products. An example of variety-seeking buying behaviour is when a person buys something online and then chooses the one that is the best fit for them.

How marketers can use buying behaviour in their marketing strategies?

There are two ways in which buying behaviour influences the marketing strategies of marketers. First, a person’s purchasing behaviour is influenced by the way they consume information about products and services that they need or want to buy. For example, if a person is looking for an appliance to cook their food, then they will read reviews from various websites on appliances before making a purchase decision. In addition, people tend to trust online reviews more than advertisements because it has been proven that many companies will make false claims in their advertisements to increase sales. Therefore, there is a lot of information available on the internet about how people make decisions about purchases and what factors influence them most

Second, there are certain types of marketing strategies that can be used by marketers based on their target market’s buying behaviour such as:

Direct Marketing: This type of marketing strategy targets customers who have expressed interest in the product or service being offered through some form of media such as direct-mail advertising or emailing promotional messages to customers who have signed up for newsletters or e-mail alerts.

Traditional Marketing: This type of marketing strategy targets customers who don’t know much about the product or service being offered but want to learn more about it so they can decide whether it is something they would like to purchase and be convinced enough before making a purchase decision.