
A firm believer in the Einstellung Effect: "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." My alma mater has helped me not to have a myopic view and the need to develop a bird's eye view of an organization. This has helped me to strategically align the marketing goals with the business objectives. Although I work in a field dominated by "Magic tools" and "Growth hacks", I recognize the importance of understanding human psychology and its inherent heuristics. Creativity and Data-Driven Decision Making are my greatest assets. A close observer of the usefulness of AI in marketing and the SaaS landscape.

Sociological Model of Consumer Behavior

Types of Social Group Social groups can be classified into two groups: Primary and Secondary. The primary group includes family members, friends, and coworkers. The secondary Group consists of any members of the society, who can directly or indirectly influence the consumers. Influence of Social groups on consumer behavior According to the model, a consumer …

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Howard Sheth Model – 4 Components, 3 Levels, and Limitations

Introduction In our society, consumer behavior is a topic of extreme importance. In fact, understanding buyer behavior is considered to be one of the most important tasks of marketers. To understand this topic in detail, let’s look at how Howard Sheth’s model can help us understand it in great detail. In 1969, John Howard and …

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Nicosia Model of Consumer Behaviour and its Limitations

Do you know that there are different stages in the nicosia model of consumer behaviour and its limitations? In this article, I will tell you about the various stages of consumer behaviour and how these relate to the nicosia model.

Ultimate Blog on Marketing Environment

Do you know that there are many factors that affect the marketing environment? This article will tell you about various factors affecting marketing and how they can affect your business.

Societal Marketing Concept Explained with 3 Examples

Do you know that the term “societal marketing” was first coined by the famous marketing professor, Dr. Meyers? In this article, we discuss the history of societal marketing and its objectives.

Customer Driven Marketing Strategy

Customer Driven Marketing Strategy Explained with Examples

Do you know that your customers are not only buyers but also drivers of your business? This article will help you understand how to make your business customer-centric and drive sales through segmentation, targeting and positioning.